
chicken with spinach feta sauce

This is another delicious creamy sauce chicken recipe. This time the star of the sauce is the Feta cheese and the healthy ingredient is the spinach. However the heavy cream is what blends everything together and makes this sauce really special.


mashed potatoes - 2 recipes

What is the secret of Delicious Creamy Mashed Potatoes? There are as many secrets to mashed potatoes as there are cooks. Here is my secret: onions sauteed in butter, heavy cream and cheese.


tilapia with creamy white wine sauce

This delicious fish recipe has a smooth creamy sauce that will make you sigh. The white wine gives it a delicate flavor and the onions add body and crunchiness.


Mixed Berries and Banana Smoothie

You can have mixed berries and banana smoothies any time of the year regardless of fresh berries being available. Just buy frozen berries. I like the Simple Truth Organic Berry Medley, which includes raspberries, strawberries and blackberries. I love the color of this smoothie. How can you resits it?


chicken with tomato and herbs

This is one of the leanest recipes I have ever seen. It's a really great dish if you are trying to shed some pounds or if you are looking for recipes with no butter or oil.