Nutritional Values

Veja abaixo tradução de alguns itens em Português 

Nutritional Values of things I eat frequently:

1 egg yolk - 2.7 grams of protein
1 egg white - 3.7 grams of protein

 egg detailed info HERE

most nutritious types BEANS
Black and Kidney beans 

1/2 cup cooked black beans - 7.62 grams of protein
More info about Black Beans HERE

1/2 cup - 7.8 grams of protein
More info about Kidney Beans HERE

What to combine with beans to make it a complete protein:
- Whole grains with beans (beans and rice; hummus and pita bread; bean-based chili and crackers; refried beans and tortillas) 
- Beans with nuts or seeds (salad with chickpeas and sunflower seeds)



Protein is made up of amino acids. The human body uses 20 amino acids but 9 of these amino acids cannot be produced by the human body so they need to come from what we eat. A food is considered "complete" if it contains the 9 amino acids that the body cannot produce.However we need to really know the amount of complete protein we are ingesting through a plant base diet because even if a plant food source is a complete protein it might not have adequate amounts.

Plant-based foods that are a source of complete protein:
- Quinoa
- Chia seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Hempseed
- Soybeans
- Buckwheat
- Spirulina
- Tempeh
- Amaranth
- Edamame
Blue-green algae -> read article from WebMed before taking Blue-green algae

More info about quinoa HERE
1 cup cooked quinoa - 8.14 grams of protein
Note: quinoa is a complete protein.

article from Healthline
  1. Chickpeas
  2. Lentils
  3. Peas
  4. Kidney Beans
  5. Black Beans
  6. Soy Beans
  7. Pinto Beans
  8. Navy Beans
  9. Peanuts

Food Combinations to create plant base complete protein:

In general combining nuts or seeds with whole grains and combining beans and whole grains provide sources of plant base complete protein.

  • Rice + Beans (preferably whole grain)
  • Pita bread + Hummus
  • Lentil soup + Whole Grain Bread
  • Spinach salad + Sunflower seeds
  • Whole wheat toast + Nut butter
  • Steel cut oatmeal + Pumpkin seeds or Nut butter
  • Whole wheat pasta + peas
  • Lentils + Almonds
  • Lentil soup + Barley
  • Noodles + Peanuts
  • Peanut butter + Whole Wheat Bread

Best Leafy Greens:
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Arugula
  • Bok Choy
  • Endive
  • Microgreens
  • Collard Greens
  • Cabbage
  • Beet Greens
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Watercress
  • Turnip Greens
  • Swiss Chard

Most Nutrient Dense Veggies
  • Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Garlic
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Kale
  • Green Peas
  • Swiss Chard
  • Beets
  • Asparagus
  • Red Cabbage
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Collard Greens
  • Cauliflower
Note: According to the National Cancer Institute of America (NCIA), watercress helps repair damaged cells, destroys chemicals that harm the body and even help in dealing with cancer. 


Alimentos vegetates que são proteínas completas:

English - Português
Quinoa - Quinoa
Hempseed- Sementes de Cânhamo
Soybeans - Soja
Buckwheat - Trigo Sarraceno
Chia seeds - Sementes de Chia
Spirulina - Espirulina
Tempeh - tempeh
Amaranth - Amaranto
Edamame - Edamame
Pumpkin Seeds - Sementes de abóbora

Combinações de alimentos vegetarianos que possuem proteína completa:

Em geral, a combinação de nozes e sementes com grãos integrais e também combinações de leguminosas (feijão, lentilhas, etc) e grãos integrais, fornecem fontes de plantas que possuem proteína completa. 

  • Rice + Beans - Arrow com feijão
  • Pita bread + Hummus - Pão Sírio e Homus
  • Lentil soup + Whole Grain Bread - Sopa de lentilha e pão integral
  • Spinach salad + Sunflower seeds - Salad de Espinafre e Sementes de Girassol
  • Whole wheat toast + Nut butter - torrada de pão integral e pasta de amendoim ou qualquer outra pasta de nozes
  • Steel cut oatmeal + Pumpkin seeds or Nut butter - Aveia e semente de abóbora ou pasta de amendoin
  • Whole wheat pasta + peas - macarrão integral e ervilha
  • Lentils + Almonds - lentilha e amêndoas
  • Lentil soup + Barley - sopa de lentilha e cevada
  • Noodles + Peanuts - macarrão e amendoim
  • Peanut butter + Whole Wheat Bread - pasta de amendoin e pão integral