Why is it that everything with wine taste better? This sauce is no exception. Add capers and it is even better. This recipe is my version of the American chicken piccata (or picatta), which in turn is a version of the Italian veal piccata. Receita em português no final do post :)
Most chicken piccata recipes tell you to flatten the chicken fillets with a tenderizer, so they become very thin, but I do not do that. If the fillets are cut thin, this is good enough for me. I do not need more work. You can also dredge the fillets in flour before frying them, if you want.
Note: If you overcook chicken it becomes hard and dry. Thin fillets may take only 1 to 2 minutes on each side to cook.
Serve 4
what you need:
- 1 lb chicken thin breast fillets, rinsed and dried with paper towel
- salt and pepper to season the chicken and the sauce
- 2 tablespoons olive oil or coconut oil
- 3 garlic cloves crushed
- 4 tablespoons drained capers
- 1/2 cup white wine
- 1 1/2 teaspoon corn flour dissolved into
- 2 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 tablespoon butter at room temperature
- 8 oz baby broccoli or broccoli florets
what to do:
It is very important to have all the ingredients ready before you start this recipe.
Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper. Reserve.
Place steamer basket in a pan and add water up to the bottom of the steamer.
Place broccoli on steamer basket and turn on the heat on high.
When the water starts to boil, put the lid on the pan and turn the heat to medium. Let it steam for 6 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the broccoli in the pan to keep warm and continue to cook a little more.
While the broccoli is steaming prepare the chicken.
Add oil to a skillet over medium high heat, let it warm and fry the chicken until browned on one side.
Turn and let it brown and cook through.
Place chicken towards the center of a serving dish and cover it to keep it warm.
In the same skillet add garlic and sauté until until starts to brown over medium heat.
Stir the corn flour with the lemon juice.
Add the wine, capers, and lemon juice/corn flour to the pan and stir gently until it bubbles and thickens.
Turn off the heat.
Stir in the butter until it dissolves.
Arrange the broccoli around the chicken in the serving dish.
Before pouring the sauce over the chicken try it and then add salt and pepper to your liking.
Pour sauce over the chicken and broccoli.
Bon Appétit!
You can add other sides to this dish such as Brazilian rice or baked potatoes.
You can also make just the chicken and eat it with pasta or polenta.
Chicken and Broccoli with Caper Sauce Recipe
what you need:
- 1 lb chicken breast fillets
- salt and pepper to season the chicken
- 2 tablespoons olive oil or coconut oil
- 3 garlic cloves crushed
- 4 tablespoons drained capers
- 1/2 cup white wine
- 2 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 tablespoon butter at room temperature
- 8oz baby broccoli or broccoli florets
what to do:
- Season chicken with salt and pepper. Reserve.
- Place steamer basket in a pan and add water up to the bottom of the steamer.
- Steam the broccoli for 6 minutes and leave it in the pan to keep warm and cook a little more.
- Heat oil in a skillet and fry the chicken until browned and cooked through.
- Place chicken in a serving dish and cover it to keep it warm.
- In the same skillet add garlic and sauté until until starts to brown.
- Add the wine, capers, and lemon juice with flour to the pan.
- When it bubbles turn off the heat.
- Stir in the butter until it dissolves.
- Arrange the broccoli around the chicken and pour the sauce over.
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Peito de frango e brócolis com molho de alcaparras
você vai precisar de:
- 1/2 kg de filé de frango em fatias finas lavado em agua corrente e seco em papel toalha
- sal e pimenta para temperar a o frango
- 2 colheres de sopa de oleo de oliva ou de coco
- 3/4 dentes de alho amassados
- 4 colheres de sopa de alcaparras sem a agua
- 1/2 de xícara de vinho branco
- 2 1/2 colheres de sopa de suco de limão
- 2 colheres de sopa de manteiga em temperatura ambiente
- 250 gr de brócolis
o que fazer:
Cozinhe os brócolis no vapor por 6 minutos. Desligue o fogo e deixe os brócolis na panela para não esfriar e continuar a cozinhar.
Esquente o óleo e frite o frango em forno médio alto. Coloque o frango no centro de uma travessa e cubra para não esfriar.
Logo a seguir, na mesma frigideira em que fritou o frango coloque o alho amassado e refogue até começar a dourar. Adicione o vinho, alcaparras e suco de limão com maizena. Quando começar a borbulhar desligue o fogo. Adicione a manteiga e mexa levemente. O molho está pronto!
Coloque os brócolis ao redor do frango e regue com o molho.