- Use only the white and light green parts of the leeks
- To wash the leeks cut them in half vertically and fan them under running water to make sure you are removing all the dirt that might bebe trapped between the leaves.
- Keep potatoes immersed in water so they don't turn dark after peeled
- heavy cream substitutes: full cream milk, almond milk (for the vegetarians), greek yogurt, media crema, half milk half heavy cream.
- Some recipes tell you to use a blender but the soup gets a little gluey. This doesn't happen if you use a 'moulin' or potato ricer. It's worth the effort and time.
what you need:
- 2 lb leeks
- 4 tablespoons butter
- 2 lb russet potatoes
- 6 cups vegetable stock (not in the picture)
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1/2 cup fresh chopped parsley or chives
- salt and pepper to taste
- Add 1 or 2 chopped celery sticks along with the leeks.
- Add 4 oz cheddar cheese when you add the cream.
what to do:
Peel and cut the potatoes in thirds.
Keep them immersed in water so they do not turn dark.
Cut the leeks in half lengthwise then wash the leeks under running water fanning them so you wash out possible pieces of dirt
Chop the leeks.
Add the leeks and cook for about 8 minutes until they are soft.
Add the potatoes and the stock. Let it boil.
Bob Appétit!
Potato and Leek Soup Recipe
what you need:
Melt the butter on a large pot over medium heat. Add the leeks and cook for about 8 minutes until they are soft.
Add the potatoes and the stock. Let it boil.
Turn down the heat to low and let it simmer for 20 minutes.
Add salt and pepper to taste. The amount will depend on how salty or not is the broth. Only you can tell.
Remove the potatoes with tongs and place them in a bowl.
Blend the leeks and stock (careful as they are very hot) or use an immersion blender. Return to the pan.
Pass the potatoes through a potato ricer or moulin.
Add it to the leeks in the pan.
Add the cream, stir and taste for salt and pepper adding any if necessary.
do que vocĂȘ precisa:
Turn down the heat to low and let it simmer for 20 minutes.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Remove the potatoes with tongs and place them in a bowl. Reserve.
Blend the leeks and stock (careful as they are very hot) or use an immersion blender. Return to the pan.
Pass the potatoes through a potato ricer or moulin.
Add it to the leeks in the pan.
Season with salt and pepper to taste if you feel the need
Garnish with fresh chopped parsley. Serve with you favorite bread.
Bob Appétit!
Potato and Leek Soup Recipe
what you need:
- 2 lb leeks
- 4 tablespoons butter
- 2 lb russet potatoes
- 6 cups vegetable stock (not in the picture)
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1/2 cup fresh chopped parsley or chives
- salt and pepper to taste
- Add 1 or 2 chopped celery sticks along with the leeks.
- Add 4 oz cheddar cheese when you add the cream.
what to do:
Peel and cut the potatoes in thirds.
Wash and chop the leeks.
Melt the butter on a large pot over medium heat. Add the leeks and cook for about 8 minutes until they are soft.
Add the potatoes and the stock. Let it boil.
Turn down the heat to low and let it simmer for 20 minutes.
Add salt and pepper to taste. The amount will depend on how salty or not is the broth. Only you can tell.
Blend the leeks and stock (careful as they are very hot) or use an immersion blender. Return to the pan.
Pass the potatoes through a potato ricer or moulin.
Add it to the leeks in the pan.
Add the cream, stir and taste for salt and pepper adding any if necessary.
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Sopa de Batata e Alho-PorĂł |
do que vocĂȘ precisa:
- 1 kg de alho-porĂł
- 4 colheres de sopa de manteiga
- 1 kg de batatas
- 6 xĂcaras e caldo de legumes
- 1 xĂcara de creme de leite fresco ou 1 lata de creme de leite
- 1/2 xicara de salsa e cebolinha picados
- Sal e pimenta a gosto
- Acrescente 1 ou 2 aipos cortados bem fino (acrestente-os quando colocar o alho-porro na panela)
- Acrescente 100 gr de queijo cheddar ou qualquer queijo de sua preferencia. Coloque o queijo ao colocar o creme.
What To Do:
Descasque as batatas e corte-as em trĂȘs partes para que cozinhe mais rĂĄpido.
Lave e pique o alho-porĂł.
Esquente a manteiga em uma panela sobre fogo médio e acrescente o alho-poró. Cozinhe por uns 8 minutos até que estejam macios.
Adicione a batata e o caldo de legumes. Aumente o fogo e deixe ferver. Em seguida abaixe e fogo e deixe a sopa cozinhar por uns 20 minutos. Adicione sal e pimenta a gosto.
Aqui vocĂȘ tem duas opçÔes:
Opção 1 - bata tudo no liquidificador e depois acrescente o creme.
Opção 2 - retire as batatas da panela e passe-as por um espremedor de batatas. Adicione à sopa.Em seguida acrescente o creme. Deixe esquentar e ao servir salpique com salsinha.
updated 2020