
apple on tortilla

Breakfast can be as easy or as complicated as you like, but surely you should have some fruit and protein with it. This delicious breakfast recipe is one of the options for a balanced meal. The cinnamon adds so much flavor to it and I just love the crunchiness of the apple slices. To increase the amount of protein intake add more cheese and have a glass of milk with it.

Sugar is optional. You can also use stevia or honey. If the apple is sweet you don't really need to add any sugar. Actually nobody really needs sugar in their diet.

What You Need:

  • 1 tortilla
  • 1 small apple
  • shredded cheese of your choice
  • cinnamon (powder)
  • sugar (optional)

What To Do:

Peel and cut the apple in thin slices.

Spray a skillet with cooking spray or add a bit of cooking oil. 
If you have a non-stick skillet use just a tiny bit of cooking spray/oil.
In any case you can quickly wipe the skillet with crumpled paper towel to remove excess oil.

Place the tortilla in the skillet over medium heat for 2 minutes or until the under side is golden brown.

Turn the tortilla over. 
Notice how the side that was under is nicely browned.

Place the apples on the tortilla. Sprinkle with cinnamon (and sugar if using it) and top with the cheese. Don't take too long doing this or the underside of the tortilla will burn.

Cover the skillet and let it cook for 1 minute. You can leave the lid a tiny bit open.

Remove it immediately from the skillet.

I like to cut my tortilla with a pizza cutter.