
skinny irish soup

This Skinny Irish Soup was inspired by the fabulous, rich and delicious Traditional Irish Soup. I crave Irish soup from time to time but I don't always want the substantial amount calories attached to it. So here is a great recipe for what I call the Skinny Irish Soup. Each 3oz ladle of this soup is only about 55 calories. I hope you like it as much as I do!
Veja abaixo a receita em portuguĂȘs

The recipe calls for the famous Kerrygold Irish butter, which you can find at a very reasonable price at Trader Joe’s and Costco. However you can use any good quality butter such as Land O'Lake.

The recipe also calls for baking potatoes. Types of baking potatoes usually available in the US are russet Burbank, red gold, Yukon gold, yellow fin, and German butterball. I use the russet.

Other ingredients found in Irish soups are leeks, carrots, celery, and turnips. You can add them to your liking as they are not high in calories, and then you can have your own favorite version of skinny Irish Soup.

what you need:

  • 1 tablespoon Kerrygold Irish butter
  • 1/2 yellow onion about 1 cup
  • 2 garlic cloves mashed
  • 2 baking potatoes about 1 ½ lb
  • 2 parsnips about 1 1/2 lb
  • 3 cups shredded cabbage
  • 4 cups fat free chicken broth (32 oz – usually 1 container)
  • ¾ cup 1% milk
  • 1 ½ tablespoons cornstarch
  • salt and white pepper to taste (suggested: 1 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper)

what to do 

Cut the onion in thin slices.

Dice the parsnips. 

Dice the potatoes.

Now you have all ingredients ready to go :)

In a large pan (stockpot or dutch oven), over medium heat, melt the butter, and sauté the garlic and onions until they are soft but not brown.

Add the potatoes, parsnips, cabbage and the chicken broth.

Increase the heat to high and let it boil. 
Reduce heat to low, cover, and let it simmer for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat.

If you want a smooth soup, blend it in batches. You can use an immersion blender or a regular blender. 
I like my soup with texture so I simply use a potato masher.

Turn on the heat and add the cornstarch dissolved in the milk.

Stir frequently and let it boil so it will thicken.

Season with salt and pepper to your liking.

If you wish stir some chopped green onion or just use it to garnish the soup.

Bon Appétit!

Sopa Irlandesa Diet

do que vocĂȘ precisa: 
  • 1 colher de sopa de manteiga com sal
  • 1 cebola pequena cortada em fatias finas
  • 2 dentes de alho amassados
  • 2 batatas cortadas em cubo
  • 2 cherovias cortadas em cubo
  • 3 xĂ­caras de repolho picado
  • 4 xĂ­caras de caldo de galinha (ou 4 xĂ­caras de ĂĄgua e 2 cubos de caldo de galinha)
  • 2 colheres de sopa de salsinha picada
  • 3/4 de xĂ­caras de leite 
  • 2 colheres de maizena
  • sal e pimenta a gosto (sugestĂŁo: 1 colher de sobremesa de sal e 1/4 de colher de sobremesa de pimenta do reino em pĂł)

o que fazer:
Prepare todos os ingredientes.
Numa panela grande derreta a manteiga e doure a cebola e o alho atĂ© que fiquem macios.  NĂŁo deixe a cebola e o alho escurecerem.
Adicione a batata, cherovias, repolho e caldo de carne.
Deixe ferver.
Abaixe o fogo e cozinhe em fogo lento por 30 minutos.
Tire a sopa do fogo e bata no liquidificador. Se preferir uma sopa com pedaços use um amassador de batatas.
Retorne a sopa ao fogo medio e acrescente a maizena dissolvida no leite.
Mexa até ferver e encorpar.
Se gostar misture cebolinha picada na sopa ou use-as para garnecer.
Bon Appétit!