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Pineaple Teriaki Pork Chops with Black Rice and Green Beans |
Veja abaixo a receita em português.
Make sure you cook the pork thoroughly. You can check by making a cut in the middle of the steak and looking at the color of the meat inside. Careful because if you cook for too long it will be hard and dry.
what you need:
- 1lb trimmed boneless pork loin chops, maximum 3/4" thick - you will get from 4 to 6 steaks depending on the thickness of each steak
- ½ cup Teriaki sauce
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 1 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper, to taste
- pineapple slices, fresh or canned drained (1 slice for each steak)
Serve 4
what to do:
to rinse or not to rinse?
Rinse the steaks under running water.
Note: some people prefer not to rinse pork chop steaks but I do.
Dry them with paper towel.
Mix teriaki sauce, garlic powder, honey and pepper in a bowl.
Add marinade to the steaks.
I covered mine with plastic wrap because I was still going to make black rice, which takes a while, but you don't need to do that.
Preheat oven and prepare broiling pan. I always cover mine with foil so it's easy to clean later.
Place the steaks on the broiler (not touching each other)
Broil 3 inches from the heat for about 2 minutes. My steaks were thin so I left them for 1 1/2 minutes.
Leave the door of the oven a bit open.
Turn the steaks.
Brush or spoon marinade on them.
Top each pork chop with a pineapple slice and put more marinade on the pineapples. Broil for 3 to 5 more minutes or until they are fully cooked.
Serve immediately.
One serving option is black rice and green beans à la Mimi.
I prepare the black rice the Brazilian way, just click on this link to see how. The only thing that will vary is the cooking time. I let it cook for about 30 minutes if I had time to soak it. If not, then I let it cook for about 1 hour. If you are cooking it for a longer time you really need to watch the water level. You don't want the water to dry and end up with burned rice. If you need to add water then add about 1/4 cup 'boiling' water at a time.
Costeleta de Porco com Abacaxi ao Molho Teriaki
Para fazer este prato você precisa de um fogão que tenha grill.
do que você precisa:
what to do:
to rinse or not to rinse?
Rinse the steaks under running water.
Note: some people prefer not to rinse pork chop steaks but I do.
Dry them with paper towel.
Mix teriaki sauce, garlic powder, honey and pepper in a bowl.
Add marinade to the steaks.
I covered mine with plastic wrap because I was still going to make black rice, which takes a while, but you don't need to do that.
Preheat oven and prepare broiling pan. I always cover mine with foil so it's easy to clean later.
Place the steaks on the broiler (not touching each other)
Broil 3 inches from the heat for about 2 minutes. My steaks were thin so I left them for 1 1/2 minutes.
Leave the door of the oven a bit open.
Turn the steaks.
Brush or spoon marinade on them.
Top each pork chop with a pineapple slice and put more marinade on the pineapples. Broil for 3 to 5 more minutes or until they are fully cooked.
Serve immediately.
One serving option is black rice and green beans à la Mimi.
I prepare the black rice the Brazilian way, just click on this link to see how. The only thing that will vary is the cooking time. I let it cook for about 30 minutes if I had time to soak it. If not, then I let it cook for about 1 hour. If you are cooking it for a longer time you really need to watch the water level. You don't want the water to dry and end up with burned rice. If you need to add water then add about 1/4 cup 'boiling' water at a time.
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Receita em Português |
Costeleta de Porco com Abacaxi ao Molho Teriaki
Para fazer este prato você precisa de um fogão que tenha grill.
do que você precisa:
- 1/2 kilo de costeleta de porco sem osso. O número de costeletas vai depender da grossura de cada uma.
- 1/2 xícara de molho Teriaki
- 2 colheres de sopa de mel
- 1 1/2 colher de sobremesa de alho em pó
- 1/8 colher de sobremesa de pimenta do reino
- 1 fatia de abacaxi para cada costeleta
o que fazer:
Lave as costeletas em água corrente (sem sabão por favor) e seque-as com papel toalha.
Em uma tijela pequena misture bem o molho Teriaki com o mel, alho em pó e pimenta. Coloque esta mistura sobre as costeletas envolvendo-as bem.
Prepare um tabuleiro de forno para colocar as costeletas. Eu cubro o tabuleiro com papel alumínio para ficar mais fácil de limpar. Coloque as costeletas no tabuleiro sem que uma encoste na outra. Leve ao forno para grelhar por aproximadamente 2 minutos. Pode-se deixar o forno aberto um pouquinho.
Vire as costeletas. Coloque um pouco de molho sobre as mesmas. A seguir coloque uma fatia de abacaxi sobre cada costeleta e mais um pouco de molho sobre o abacaxi. Deixe grelhar de 3 a 5 minutos. O tempo de cozimento vai depender da grossura das costeletas.
Sirva imediatamente.
Bon Appétit!